Hypermedia Drills Teaching and Learning Theories Design Develop Deliver Tutorials Simulations Games Assessments Class Homepage Goals Hyperstaffs Distance Learning Brief Assessment Criteria Module Descriptor Report Writing Links of Interest Lecture Schedule

Hypermedia is the most common form of Instructional Multimedia produced today. Hypermedia consists of a database of information and uses multiple methods of naviagation. The World Wide Web is based on hypermedia.

Power Point Presentation Hypermedia *will launch in a new window
Links of Interest Evaluating Instructional Hypermedia
Power Point slide show Hypermedia Assistated Instruction in Control
Design of Instructional Hypermedia

Interactive Hypermedia Cognative Tools
Designing Hypermedia is Hell: Metaphor's Role in Instructional Design
Hypertext and Hypermedia: A Select Bibliography
Hypermedia and Multimedia Links
Class Homepage | Teaching/Learning Theories | Distance Learning | Design Develop Deliver |
|Hypermedia | Drills | Simulations | Games | Assessments
Goals | Module Descriptor |Assessment Criteria |
Schedule | Brief | Links | Report Writing | Hyperstaffs

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