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October 15 - October 21
Distance Education Clearinghouse Click on the image to go to the Distance Education Clearinghouse for a comprehensive resource guide


Read the following articles located in your reading pack and use them in this week's discussion.

To: Subject: Why It's All About Me
Students hit the e-books
Universities adapt to a shrinking world
Wired-up students
Breaking down class barriers
Education Beyond the Classroom
Teenagers asked to stop, think and film
Cultural exchange
Web's second phase puts users in control

Unfortunately many of the sources that have been used for readings such as newspapers and magazines no longer keep their links active. For this reason, under Fair Use guidelines, you have been given a reading pack. You are not allowed to distribute the readings in any form.

Terry Dugas, "Manager, Interactive Media Group, Nebraska
Educational Telecommunications", has been involved in the information industry since 1975. He was smart enough to spot the educational value of the Internet in the late 80's and transition his career into Internet management and production. He was smart enough to spot the decline in the educational value of the Internet in the late 90s and transition his career into multimedia production and management. But he wasn't smart enough to make any money off of it.
Rodica Mocan is associate professor at the Journalism Department of the Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj, Romania. She teaches courses in New Media Journalism, Internet and Global Communication and Visual Communication. Her reasearch interests are on the uses of Internet and multimedia in distance education, journalism as well as the democratising potential of ICTs. She contributed chapters with case studies about the use of new media in distance education and political parties in Romania.



Take the Jung Typology Test

What did you learn about yourself?

Use these exercises in your discussion.


Do you think that access to email and instant messaging has allowed students to feel freer to communicate with their professors? Should there be boundaries set? If so, what would they be?

Go to the Bulletin Board..
and begin the discussion

Here are some links for further information

NUA Education | E-Learn Magazine | National Grid for Learning | The Benton Foundation |
Technology and Learning Magazine | National Foundation for Educational Research | Asynchronous Learning Networks | Plagiarism on the Net


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