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October 29 - November 4
E-Government Bulletin


Read the following articles located in your reading pack and use them in this week's discussion.

Government websites attract few visitors
The Viking streak always wins: it's more efficient
Transform government - but get it to join up first
The long and winding road to taxing your car online
The perfect station
A spending spree too far?
E-democracy: tied up in red tape
E-services without limits
Good things come in small packages
How e-government can work for everyone
Innovation rewarded at e-gov 'oscars'
User-friendly websites in wide, open spaces
Warrington seizes golden opportunity

Unfortunately many of the sources that have been used for readings such as newspapers and magazines no longer keep their links active. For this reason, under Fair Use guidelines, you have been given a reading pack. You are not allowed to distribute the readings in any form.

Malcolm Crawford Malcolm Crawford -

Marnie Allen

Marnie Dainty - ICT Training Officer at Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council, a local authority with around 400 computer users of varying ability from super-user
to where's-the-ANY-key? novices. She is responsible for design and delivery of
instructor-led courses and e-learning for staff and councillors.

I've been in IT since output looked like motheaten bus-ticket and screen display came in lightbulbs. Thoroughly enjoying the e-revolution.


Find your local council's website. This can be the council from where you are currently living or the web site where you consider home. Locate information concerning trash service and recycling information. Was it easy to find?


Do you think that having a doctor or nurse available for online consultation will promote better health care or will it encourage people not to visit their doctor on a regular basis?

Go to the Bulletin Board..

and begin the discussion


Here are some links for further information

Guidelines for UK government websites | US E-Government Web Site | Benchmarking E-Government: A Global Perspective | Digital Governance


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